Mario Lopez :: Don't be a celeb hater (but watch my show)

Jim Halterman READ TIME: 6 MIN.

It's a good thing he's so damn cute because if he weren't, it would be very tough to take seeing Mario Lopez everywhere, as he seems to be these days.

In bookstores you can see him staring out from the cover of his latest book "Extra Lean Family," which helps your entire clan eat right and get healthy. While on the tube he is still the host five days a week of the syndicated entertainment new show "Extra," as well as "America's Best Dance Crew" on MTV.

And starting this month he's also in prime time as the host of the new CW series H8R.

In "H8R," Lopez's job is to introduce a famous celebrity (like Snooki from "Jersey Shore" or "The Bachelor" hunk Jake Pavelka) to a self-professed hater of theirs and, during the course of the episode, the celeb tries to show the hater who they really are and, hopefully, win them over.

Changing opinions

Does it work?

"A lot of times, yes," Lopez said during a press event in Beverly Hills to talk about the show, "but sometimes they just reinforce their hate. It's like, 'You know what, I spent some time with you. I got to know you. I still hate you. You're everything that I thought.'"

Despite whether the hater is converted or not, Lopez feels that the audience can often be the ones to have their opinions change. "I think the celebs just taking part in the show or showing so much courage and the audience is already rooting for them because of the fact that they took the time out of their day and put in an effort to kind of win this person over is kind of cool."

However, do we need another forum for over-exposed celebrities like Snooki and any of the Kardashians?

"I think it is what it is," said the 37-year old father of one. "But we're trying to have fun with it... I think it's a very original concept and I think it's very new age because this sort of show wouldn't have existed a generation ago and the Internet's sort of provided us with people bashing other people and with having no repercussions or consequences to deal with it. So we just sort of want to expose them and expose that hate is not cool and celebrities, believe it or not, have feelings too."

Story continues on following page.

Watch this feature about "H8R":

Internet :: a forum for cowards?

The web, in fact, is one of the sources for the producers to find the celeb-hating-fans that are featured on the show. "The Internet provides a forum for just a vast majority of the haters so it's quite easy," Lopez explained.

"And I also think at the same time, it provides a forum for cowards, quite honestly, because they're in their home and probably chilling out in their underwear and saying all these vicious things. And then we thought it would be interesting, what if this person confronted the person they're bashing, and would they say it face to face? Would they still have the guts to tell them to their face? And that's what we're going to find out, but because of the Internet, we're able to find a plethora of haters."

In fact, the San Diego native who first came to fame as a teenager on the series "Saved By The Bell," said that there is an anti-bullying facet to the series. As an example, he used a very famous celebrity who has seen her public perception change due to one of the biggest TV series on the air - "American Idol."

"A lot of people thought Jennifer Lopez was a diva and was maybe conceited and had a certain air about her, right? But not until Idol came along [did] she have the opportunity to show her personality, how sweet she is, how loving she is, and now she's America's Sweetheart, the most beautiful woman in the world, and just because she had that opportunity to show who she was for a little bit. So we want it in the microcosm of that, kind of give people the opportunity to kind of show a little bit of the personality that they might have preconceived notions about."

Though straight, Lopez has always been a supporter of the gay community dating way back to the time he played out athlete Greg Louganis in the 1997 movie, "Breaking The Surface." He recently told EDGE that even though equality is still a struggle to achieve, there have been great strides. "I think we've come a long way, speaking in terms of where we were, but I think we still have a long way to go. It's struggle just like everything and sometimes it takes a little time but I think we're definitely headed in the right direction." Lopez also added that he's very honored to help and continue to be a support to the community.

Looking like Mario?

Also this year, his third book on diet and fitness, "Extra Lean Family," came out and EDGE talked one-on-one with the sexy actor (who has shown his body off on such series as "The Bold and the Beautiful" and his infamous shower scene on the FX series, "Nip/Tuck"). If we follow his book, can we look like Mario Lopez?

EDGE: Mario, there are so many diet books on the market. Why is this one the right one?

Mario Lopez: Because it's not a diet book and because diets don't work. I think people work with the right information. It's just an approach towards a lifestyle that is healthy and it's delicious food. My whole principle is having a balance of carbs, proteins and fats in every meal, eating frequently throughout the day and that's something that will help you lose weight and help you sustain in.

EDGE: What do you think is the biggest mistake people make in their diets on a daily basis?

Mario Lopez: I think they go long periods of time without eating and when they do eat, they eat a lot of crap.

EDGE: While you're adjusting your diet, just how vital is exercise as part of your lifestyle?

It’s all about the food

Mario Lopez: When it comes to your actual weight, it's all about the food. However, when it comes to the way you want to look as well as muscle definition, stamina and conditioning for your heart, exercise is key and ultimately you want both of them because they go hand and hand. That's when you get the best results.

EDGE: You're constantly on the go with your travel schedule. How does someone who travels so much maintain a healthy weight?

Mario Lopez: It is tough especially when you're traveling but when I'm around town I carry food. I always have a little bag of almonds or bananas or some peanut butter like a little jar with rice cakes. When I travel, I'm pretty good at looking at a menu and knowing what I need.

EDGE: You became a Dad last year. What's been the most unexpected thing since your daughter came into the world?

Mario Lopez: Not to sound too corny but I just never felt that kind of love and appreciation and responsibility before. People can tell you but you don't really grasp it until it's actually there and it's happening.

H8R airs on the CW every Wednesday at 8/7c. The Extra Lean Family book is available wherever diet and health books are sold.

Watch this clip from "Nip/Tuck" featuring Mario Lopez's shower scene

by Jim Halterman

Jim Halterman lives in Los Angeles and also covers the TV/Film/Theater scene for, AfterElton, Vulture, CBS Watch magazine and, of course, He is also a regular Tweeter and has a group site on Facebook.

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