UK Wife Dumps Husband After He Gets a 6.5-Inch Penis Tattoo


One man's drunken mistake has sparked his wife to kick him to the curb.

The British newspaper the Mirror reports Stuart Valentino, 34, was dumped by his wife after getting a 6.5-inch penis tattoo on his thigh, stretching halfway down his leg. The new ink was a drunken joke but backfired after his wife Samantha Valentino, 35, couldn't get over the tattoo.

His wife bought him a tattoo gun for Christmas, but Stuart Valentino, who resides in Southsea, Hampshire, took things to the extreme when he used the device to make the x-rated tattoo on his leg. He explained to the Mirror after a night of drinking with his friend Danny, they both "stupidly agreed to get the tattoos done on our legs."

"Danny chickened out when he saw mine, but there was nothing I could do at that point," Stuart Valentino added. "I didn't realize how it would hinder my life."

He also told the Mirror: "My wife hates it. In retrospect, I'm not surprised, it really is the stupidest thing I've ever done. After I did it, my wife woke up in the morning screaming, because there was this massive penis poking out of the duvet. And the tattoo on my leg. It caused no end of rows, and she's now kicked me out of home. I deserve it, I suppose."

Stuart Valentino said he could no longer take his three-year-old girl swimming because of the naughty tattoo.

"We wanted to plan a holiday, but the penis would be sticking out and when I was in boxer shorts it was a constant reminder to Samantha of how stupid I had been," he told the Mirror.

Samantha Valentino ended the marriage last month.

"I had no idea that a joke could ruin my life. I'm devastated I've lost my family, and frustrated with myself. I can't blame anyone else," Stuart Valentino said. "I have a constant reminder poking out of my shorts every day of how stupid I've been."


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